How we can help:
We can appear as local agents for you at Glasgow Sheriff Court. We appear at routine procedural hearings as well as more substantive hearings to conduct debates, proofs, proof before answer, appeal hearings and Adults with Incapacity hearings.
Our Agency services cover civil, family and incapacity cases.
We can arrange for lodging of documentation with the court at short notice.
Case Study
We received instructions from the Pursers agents who were looking to a Proof being Discharged. The case involved two Defenders and the matter had been settled by way of Tender by the second defender. The first defender was looking to recover their expenses with a strong argument in their favour. Following a lengthy debate, the presiding Sheriff agreed with our argument that there should be no expenses due to or by. This saved the Pursuers a significant sum of money.
Case Study
We received instructions at 2.30pm to lodge a NID on the last day. We then took immediate steps to produce the documentation which had been emailed to our office and ensured the NID was lodged timeously.
Contact us on 0141 375 9000 to discuss your requirements or e-mail instructions directly to or contact us on 0141 375 9000.
We will always acknowledge receipt of your instructions and report back to you on the outcome of your case on the same day.